Our Sharing Policy

Faith Assembly Church is the copyright holder to all audio and video recordings of our church services and to all editions of The Contender. You are free to share or copy any video or audio recordings, any podcast, any chart, or any edition of The Contender, or any VHS, DVD, cassette tape, or CD you have purchased from the church. This freedom to copy and share is offered with these conditions.

  1. Please do not modify the audio or video recordings or copies of The Contender in any way
  2. Do not sell or charge for the content you are sharing. If you are sharing on an online platform, make sure advertisements are disable. You may not earn ad revenue from the content.
  3. If you are sharing the content online, on the page which links to the content, please acknowledge the name of the minister in the content, include the full original title of the content, acknowledge Faith Assembly Church as the producer of the content, and include a link to Faith Assembly Church’s website, www.fachurch.org

Faith Assembly Church does not support the liberal political agenda of Google or many other online platforms. By putting videos on YouTube, or other organizations that promote causes like homosexuality, it is entirely possible for the platform to insert commercials or advertisements into the content promoting their own wicked causes. For this reason, we will request content be taken off YouTube or other platforms if you enable advertisements.